Port Bell Academy

Board of Trustees
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Port Bell Academy

An initiative of the Association for the Integral Development of the Person – AIDP/ADIP – which believes in the determining character of the action of women in the development of the country.

Trustees of Port Bell Academy



She is a bilingual (English, French) public health physician with more than 15 years experience in both public and private health sector. She holds a Master of Science in Public Health Epidemiology option from University of Lagos and Post Graduate Diploma in Emergency Medicine and Catastrophe Medicine from University of Yaounde 1. She has work experiences in organizations in Nigeria and Cameroon and is a board member of many charities.

Vice Chairperson

Adeline AVODO

She is holder of a Diploma of Teacher of Secondary Education in Physical Sciences option Chemistry, taught in high schools for 9 years, then obtained a Diploma of Specialized Advanced Studies (DESS) in Planning, Programming and Management of Development at the Pan-African Institute for Development. She has been working for the Ministry of the Economy, Planning and Spatial Planning for 10 years, where she was, among other things, assistant researcher, responsible for monitoring the activities of the Agropole Program and the Sub-Program of Phase II Poverty Reduction in the Littoral Region. Currently she is writing a thesis under the theme: “EDUCATION TO ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH, CHALLENGES AND STRATEGIES IN CAMEROON: A TEST BY THE MANAGEMENT OF HOUSEHOLD WASTE”.

Secretary General


Former Director of claims of the 2nd insurance company, She has international experience in the field of insurance, particularly with the insurer AXA in Paris where she worked in the Actuarial Department during many years. She has a very strong experience in managing projects during the last 11 years and is very confident that this project will revolutionize her country. She is a board member of many charities.

Vice – Secretary General


Previously Tax and Legal Head in a company dealing with information systems, she has been Claims Handler in one of the most important Cameroonian Insurance Company for the last 6 years. She claims to be a fruit of Port Bell where she followed the whole program of human training and Leadership, and believes a strengthening of Port Bell’s means would increase its impact to all segments of society. Today she volunteers as a trainor and mentor in Virtues and Leadership.



She is a logistician of training, she is promoter of SAF Farm, a company of production and marketing of poultry in Douala since 2005. She is housewife of 6 children.


Caroline BAMBA

She is an agronomist, she is also an auditor and has international experience. She is involved in several development projects in Africa.

Law Advisor


She is a tax lawyer graduated from the University of Douala. She has been a Public Treasury Contractual Framework since 2011 and is currently Head of Service in charge of monitoring the financial statements of municipalities.

Members of the audit committee


Due to his training and 15 years of experience, she reveals valuable skills in financial audit and audit of internal control procedures. She has a good knowledge of the issues related to the operation of non-profit associations and is therefore a member of the Audit Committee of AIDP.


Master in Economics by the Catholic University of Lisbon (Portugal), specialized studies in Human Resources and Economic Ethics at the Institute for Educational Sciences – Rome (Italy). Professional experience in management (Arcos University Center – Coimbra), management (Embassy of Italy – Yaoundé) and higher education (Faculty of Economics – University of Yaounde II). Responsible for education and development projects with APF – Association pour la Promotion de la Femme, an association promoting Women in Cameroon since 2000.

Agnès NANA

Graduated from the University of Kinshasa and has been practicing as a doctor in public and military hospitals since 1999 in Kinshasa (04 years) and Douala. Referring physician for the Tuberculosis Project of the Archdiocese of Douala, she is currently Director General of Our Lady of love Catholic Hospital in Douala and Coordinator of HIV / AIDS care, following her certification in the field.