Port Bell Academy
News & EventsGet the opportunity!!! DataCamp Donates Partnership
3, 2, 1...GO ! True interactive learning for Port Bell Academy and ADIP - A one year online self-paced study opportunity for girls and young women to acquire skills in data and AI. Thanks to our PARTNER DataCamp, who turned this dream into reality, as it has for...
True interactive learning for Port Bell Academy and ADIP
Here we are! A DataCamp Donates Partner!!! ADIP/AIDP is proud to announce this special partnership. Datacamp is an online learning platform that helps learners build data skills including Python, R programming, Business analysis, to non-coding essentials like...
A great success, the Miss Mathematics PBA’s first edition!!!
50 familles trusted in their girls' talents. Yes, 50 girls, students from 16 public and private high schools in Douala and Yaounde took part. In the presence of Mrs. Patience Lobè Mollè, Cameroon's first female public works engineer, the competition ended with the...
Concours Miss Mathématiques PBA
Tu fais partie des meilleures en Mathématiques de ta classe ou de ton école??? Oui?! Viens challenger d'autres filles, dans le concours Miss Mathématiques de Port Bell Academy du 6 au 7 avril 2024. Pour t'inscrire, renseigne tes informations en cliquant sur lien...
Miss Mathematics PBA
We won't stop until our girls have discovered their full potential! A golden opportunity to do just that...the Miss PBA Mathematics Competition! Rebecca Enonchong and Patience Lobè Mollè are our sponsors.
LES CAUSERIES DE PBA – L’amour dans le couple
As a prelude to the celebration of women on March 8 (International Women's Day), we offer this reflection on the central role of women in building the happiness in families, particularly by fully living love for the husband. What content do we give to love within the...
LES CAUSERIES DE PBA – Gérer la crise d’adolescence
There's no longer any need to introduce this problem facing parents: the teenage crisis. You're welcome to discover the tips that Ms. Adeline Avodo will be sharing with everyone at our Wednesday evening get-together. Tools for successful communication See you!
LES CAUSERIES DE PBA – Gestion du budget familial
Yes, it's possible that money doesn't divide couples! It can help to unite if we talk about it, if we define budget allocations together. To find out how to face financial challenges serenely as a couple, join the growing community of Wednesday evenings "PBA Talks" at...
LES CAUSERIES DE PBA – Planifie ton année de A à Z
An opportunity to analyze why we don't reach our objectives so often, to correct these mistakes and discover the mindset and tools for defining attainable goals. You said: SMART objectives ?!
LES CAUSERIES DE PBA – Relever les défis de 2024
A promise made, a promise kept! PBA's first talk for 2024 will focus on the challenges of the year. Let's start by putting everything in perspective to ensure a successful take-off and landing.